It’s been quite a while since I did a blog post but I’m ready to rock-n-roll and you can expect some very interesting updates from me in the coming weeks and months.
First of all, I’m really excited to say that I have begun work on my next project. I had some issues with my illustrator at the tail end of last year and it resulted in a few books been put on hold. Well, I have just begun a new relationship with a very talented illustrator and she’ll be doing the artwork on my next book that’s going to be titled ‘I Love My Cat.’ It’s going to be the third book in my Animal Book for Kids series. A fun part of writing non-fiction books is discovering some fun facts I was never aware of. For instance, I never knew Siamese cats are cross-eyed and originated from Siam where they were mostly owned by royalty and monks. This will be my first book with my illustrator, Diana and she has a wonderful water colour style that I know many fans of my books will find unique and appealing. I’ll give more info on how this project is coming along in the days and weeks ahead.
Secondly, I booked my tickets to the London Book Fair which takes place from April 8th to the 10th at the Earls Court Exhibition Centre in London. If you’re an aspiring author and can make it to London in April, please do all you can to be there. I have to admit that my visit last year took my writing and publishing to another level as I connected with movers and shakers in the industry as well as acquiring useful tips to aid my writing and marketing efforts. Below is the link to my LBF adventure in 2013. Hope to see you there.
Thirdly, Author Interview Thursday will be back in February! I can’t wait to share the interviews I’ve done with you as the featured authors come from varied backgrounds and don’t hold back with their answers. I’ll be doing a special post highlighting our guest authors so do watch this space.
Lastly, I’m happy to say that I’ve been invited to visit two schools and one of them happens to be the school my children attend. I think my daughter is more excited about the visit and keeps asking me what book I’ll read to her class. Visiting schools is something I’ll be doing more of this year as it gives me the opportunity to share my stories with my target audience and also receive vital feedback from them.
It’ll be my pleasure to answer any questions or comments you may have so drop a line in the box below.