Are You Ready for a Story?

Interview With Children’s Book Author Linda May Kallestein

Today we’re having an interview with Linda May Kallestein  who is a co-owner of the publishing firm Kallestein Publishing. Mary KallensteinEven though they’re a new publishing firm, I have been very impressed by the success they’ve had thus far. The first book she published is now a best-seller in 3 categories on the Amazon store and is currently number ONE in the Alphabets category. I enjoyed interviewing Linda. Let’s welcome Linda.

Tell us about your latest book and what formats is it available in?

The last book that has been published is a picture book for toddlers called “Baby Animals”. It is exactly what the title suggests: a book of photos of baby animals. Each new animal section starts with a question of what a particular baby of an animal is called. The next page reveals the answer and a photograph. Several photographs of other baby animals in the same species follow.

The book is currently in Kindle format only and can be purchased on Amazon at

What other picture books have you written Linda?

Kallestein Publishing is a very new company. We have published 2 books on Amazon in the Kindle format:

Baby Animals –

-a Spanish edition of Baby Animals called Animales Bebe –

Animal Kingdom Alphabet –

These are the first two books in a series called “I Love Animals – Fact” Picture Books.


 What makes your picture books unique?

Kallestein Publishing loves animals. We are developing two main series that reflect this: “I Love Animals – FACT” and “I Love Animals – FICTION”. We will have several sub-series in each main series and will target all ages, from baby to adult.Animal Kingdom Alphabet Cover


When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

As long as I can remember. I have always written something or another. My first attempts at writing was poems, which later developed into song lyrics that actually were used by choirs in Norway where I grew up! As an adult I did a lot of writing as a freelance journalist, before writing fiction in screenplay format. I am now focusing on books, both fact and fiction. I consider myself first and foremost a storyteller. The messages I feel strongly about are conveyed through diverse formats to reach different audiences in different ways.


What’s the best thing about being a writer?

For me it is being true to my calling. I have tried other careers (even successfully!) but it wasn’t until I stepped into my calling as a writer (or storyteller as I prefer to call myself), that I felt completely in balance with my soul. It’s tough being a writer. Some days everything flows. Others it’s all uphill. Making a decent living from it takes years. Other days it is like being in Paradise. Being a storyteller has opened doors to areas in life and the world around me that never would have been opened to me otherwise.

It requires dedication and the conviction that THIS is what I was meant to do in my life, in order to keep going year after year. I love it


Where do you get your ideas?

I am one of the blessed storytellers that has so many ideas that even if I lived 10 lifetimes, I wouldn’t have told all the stories I have ideas for. Every new day brings new ideas. I observe life going on around me: people interacting with each other or nature, people dealing with life in general. Life is my greatest inspiration.


What do you like to do when you are not writing?

I love to travel. I love going to intimate music performances. I love watching movies. I love making and eating good food with great people. I love reading. When not writing, I live my life. For me, life is research.


Do you have kids (or grandchildren) and are they an inspiration to your picture books?

I have two sons, but they are now 16 years old and 20 years old. My oldest son, Elias, is a professional artist. He is the other half of the Kallestein Publishing. Elias is our illustrator and graphic designer. He also suggests story concepts or characters. We discuss the illustrations and the overall design, but he does the actual visual work.BABY Dog


Where’s the best place you been to on holiday?

I don’t have one favourite place. Any place off the beaten track with a backpack is a holiday I love. Kenya and Zanzibar are two current favorites. Otherwise I love urban holidays to New York and London.


Anything else that you’d like to add Linda?

I am passionate about human rights and animal rights, both of which are reflected in my work.

I am originally from New York, but moved to Norway when I was 11 years. Currently Oslo, Norway is my base for travels.


Thank you Linda for spending time with us and answering our questions. I personally learnt a lot and look forward to more children’s books from you and Kallestein Publishing.

You can discover more about Linda and Kallestein Publishing by visiting her website at


You can also visit her author page on Amazon at


One Response to Interview With Children’s Book Author Linda May Kallestein

  1. Laura says:

    Congrats Linda!!!

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