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Author Interviews in the Month of September


Wow! I can’t believe we’re already in September. 2013 has been a very eventful year for me and I’ve learned so much as I’ve grown as a writer and self-publisher. I do have to admit that the best part of my journey has been the wonderful people I’ve met along the way.

If you enjoyed Author Interview Thursday in the month of August, then you’re in for a treat this month because we have a wonderful bunch of authors lined up. Just check out this all-star list.

Kathy Beynette joins us on September 5th.kathy paints zebras She’s an artist with a studio out in Virginia and she uses animals to convey messages in her work. Her poems remind some of Dr. Seuss. Her first children’s book, When Your Porcupine Feels Prickly is available in some bookstores and also on the Amazon store. In my interview with her she’ll be talking about how getting the wrong shoes was the trigger to her writing career, her thoughts on how authors can find and work with illustrators, a typical day in her life and much more.

Calvin Innes is our featured guest on September 12th.My Little Big Town Stand at LBF I met Calvin at the London Book Fair in April and he is the founder and CEO of My Little Big Town Publishing based in Hull, England. For anyone who has any plans to one day have their books published by a traditional publisher, you definitely don’t want to miss this one! As a publisher, Calvin will be sharing how writers should approach publishing companies, what stands out for him when he reads a manuscript, how he deals with an illustrator’s equivalent of writers block and much more.

Adam T. Newman joins us on September 19th.Adam T Newman He shares a very personal story of how he got to write his first book and start his publishing company. He talks about the difference between the film and publishing industries. Adam will also be sharing tips on how children’s book writers can get reading engagements at schools and how to offer a memorable presentation. I’m especially looking forward to what Adam has to say about presenting in schools as this is one activity I plan to do more of in the coming months.

Ally Nathaniel joins us on September 26th and she’s the best-selling author of several books in the Early Learning category on Amazon. Ally shares a little bit about herself, how she’s marketing her books and advice for authors on the brink of giving up plus much more.

A stellar cast I hope you’ll agree. So make sure to tune in every Thursday in the month of September as you’ll be inspired, informed and entertained.

For past author interviews, you can go to the link below and you can read all the interviews I’ve done so far this year.

 Author Interview Thursday

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