Billy and the Monster who Loved to Fart was published less than a week ago and it’s been a good success.
We had a free promo day on Amazon Kindle and had downloads in the hundreds.
What has been particularly humbling has been the reviews some people who have downloaded the book have left. A few are below
Somehow you don’t want to love this book because it just goes against any and all standard you might hold yourself to professionally, but you just can’t help it. In the end, this book has a pretty good, albeit unusual lesson for kids. My own children laughed uproariously at the pictures in this story and enjoyed the actual story as well. – Ionia Martin
Yes dear readers kids now have a new friend called the Fart Monster. A buddy that lets them off the hook big time. In this imaginative story by David Chuka your child’s imagination will leap to new bounds in giving kids cover for what comes so naturally. The great thing about this is you don’t have to hold your nose to enjoy a fun story that is sure to have you and child laughing out loud. – StevieV
I’m really laughing hard as the character, Billy, in this story is never alone. Wherever Billy goes, his Monster goes. As a single child he has invented his own companion. But Monster is always farting and Billy is always getting the blame. A great lesson of manners for young ones…and old ones! The illustrations in this children’s book are wonderful, the dialog is great. This is a really cute story written by Author David Chuka. I enjoyed reading it and am anxious to share it with my 5-year old neighbor friend, Jake. He’ll love it! A definite fun read for all. – Nancy
You can read all the reviews Here
I’m also happy to say that we’re currently in the Top 20 in the Bestseller category – Comic Strips & Cartoons category on the Amazon Store. Hopefully as word goes round about this book, we’ll climb the rankings.
I just want to say a big thank you to all my family, friends, fellow authors, illustrator, editor and I guess most importantly, everyone who took the time to pay for and download this book plus the wonderful people who left a review on Amazon to testify of their enjoyment of this book. Your investment of time, money and love is truly appreciated.
Thank you.