I’m happy to announce that my long awaited and first picture story book is now available to purchase on Amazon.
A little background on how and when this book was written.
It was Boxing Day 2012. It’s early morning and I have woken up and the house is so quiet that you could hear the sound of holiday snores in various tones and vibrations coming from different rooms. My little boy has crawled into bed between my wife and I. I’m laying there and tired of counting sheep (viewers of Sesame Street will remember the episode where The Count came to spend the night with Ernie to understand what I was going through). I finally decide that I might as well go downstairs and do some writing.
I creep down the stairs and I’m very careful not to wake up anybody. I peep in the living room but there’s someone there…sleeping. In the little room just next to the kitchen is a sofa and I make myself comfortable. I begin thinking about a story that’s funny but has a lesson that young ones can learn from. I think of a boy and a monster…who loves to fart. I begin to write and write and write. And after about 90 minutes Billy and the Monster who Loved to Fart is born!
The themes addressed in this book include friendship, doing things in moderation and also developing good social skills. It’s very funny and I know you’ll love it.