Are You Ready for a Story?

Billy and the Monster who Ate All the Easter Eggs is LIVE!

Billy and Monster are back!Billy and the Monster who Ate All the Easter Eggs

Just wanted to announce that the third book in the Fartastic Adventures of Billy and Monster series titled Billy and the Monster who Ate All the Easter Eggs‘ is now live.

It’s currently 99c on the Amazon store.

In this 3rd episode in the series, Billy and Monster visit Grandma Chocalicious over the Easter holidays.

It’s safe to say that Grandma loves chocolate, perhaps even more than Billy as she holds the Guinness Book of Records for making the best chocolate cakes, chocolate waffles and even chocolate pasta!

Billy and Monster tip toe downstairs to see the pyramid of Easter eggs Grandma has made at midnight on Easter Sunday.

Will they resist the temptation to eat one and what happens when they make a BIG mess?

You’ll need to get your own copy to find out.

This will be a wonderful read over the Easter holiday with your little ones.

You can grab your copy by clicking one of the links below

US –

UK –

Let me know what you think once you’ve read it.

Thank you

Billy and the Monster Who Ate All the Easter Eggs

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